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Custom Software Solutions

I have received awards, nationally and locally, for my stewardship and advocacy for the things I love. With that same passion I solve problems and create software solutions on all levels. My experience speaks for itself. I have the technical expertise to architect, design, code and test pretty much any solution. I have the planning and leadership skills to get it done on time.

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Custom Software Solutions2021-10-27T16:58:09+00:00


Applications can be simple or very complex. Regardless creating good applications with the best user experience requires an understanding of the user’s needs. What requirements does the user have and how best can an applications solve that problem.

There are a lot of programmers out there, but how many can understand users’ needs and convert that to a useful application.

Machines need to talk machines and people need to communicate with other people electronically. At the heart of this is a communications protocol. When you open your car with your key fob, it uses Bluetooth low energy (BTE) protocol. When you check your Facebook page over the internet, there are numerous protocols carried over TCP/IP.

At the heart of every electronic device there is a processor. Running on that processor is embedded software. There are many different processor architectures and controlling software models. There could be a full blown operating system like Android, or a real time operating system (RTOS) like Nucleus or just a simple control program.

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